PICK Programmers Shop
(614) 921-9840
Service You Deserve

With our expertise in supporting users, sustaining reliable networks, and administering various server platforms, we specialize in meeting the needs of PICK, Unidata, UniVerse, Ultimate + and PRIME Information users. Our mission is to serve our clients by providing superior service, timely delivery, affordable prices and the highest quality solutions possible.
Our staff is trained in all aspects of the PICK environment and has the extensive programming experience required to maintain the competitive advantage of our clients. We pride ourselves in our ability to create profitable information system solutions that achieve our clients’ business objectives.

Quality Assurance
Truly Top-Notch
Only after extensive internal testing of the applications is the project turned over to the client. However, unlike many consulting companies, the project status is not marked “complete” upon delivery. Only after the client has completely tested, approved and is satisfied with the result is the project truly complete.

Up-Front Estimates
PPS uses a unique approach in our programming projects: Up Front Project Estimating. Before any work is started, we give clients a complete estimate of the time and money the project will cost them. At this point our clients have the choice of accepting the project or rejecting it at no cost. Our programming staff is very capable of integrating pre-packaged software solutions into your existing systems.

Project Outsourcing
PICK Programmer’s Shop offers a solution to the employee staffing issue through project and program outsourcing. By using our experienced programmers and our own hardware resources, PPS is able to relieve the programming burden and backlog, thus allowing an organization to focus on running its business. In addition, outsourcing allows a company to contain costs, save time, improve efficiency and insure overall quality in their information system operations.
Project outsourcing is flexible and can be managed in a way that is most beneficial to our clients. We work closely with end users, analysts, programmers and management to quickly develop required applications. Most of the actual development can be
completed in our offices using our own hardware, thus limiting the need for a company to support additional personnel and resources. Once a project is completed, PPS transfers the knowledge necessary to maintain the applications to the existing staff. Or, if a client chooses, PPS will maintain the project on a very cost- effective